Winter Essentials: Looking after your lawn in the winter

Winter Essentials: Looking after your lawn in the winter

1st Dec 2022

Winter has come around again and the main priority is to stay inside and warm. The days of dancing behind your lawn mower in shorts and T-shirt are long gone. You miss it, we understand. However this doesn’t mean there isn’t anything to be done to make sure your lawn comes out firing in the Spring.

We’ve put together a list of our Winter lawn care tips to keep the lawn looking sharp through the lens of the house window and staying strong to ride through the testing conditions it’s about to experience.

1. Keep feeding with our Winter formulation

There is a reason we have 2 winter applications on our plan, it’s crucial to a strong, healthy plant. The weather conditions we have in the UK are very testing for a plant to survive so making sure we feed and give the plant that extra help in fighting disease is really important. This also maintains a good base for when the season changes to Spring, there is no playing catch up and trying to recover the damage created by the winter - it’s straight into presentation mode. This is also when our plan tackles moss with a small amount of iron in the feeds.

2. Remove all leaves, debris and toys

There’s nothing worse that the plant being smothered in the Winter when it’s already fighting hard to survive, it doesn’t need the extra pressure. Whip round with a rake and remove all those soggy leaves and children’s play toys which are just going to kill off the grass underneath. We certainly don’t want to score any own goals and create more repair work.

3. Cut once a month and give the mower a clean

It’s likely that the mower has had it’s last outing (not a dead cert however) but after a long hard year at work now would be a great time to give the mower a good clean, especially inside the deck where clippings will have gathered. It is still OK to cut the lawn once a month at this time of year if it’s required and to keep things looking tidy.

4. If it’s frosty, don’t mow and keep traffic to a minimum

Frosty mornings are quickly incoming. When the lawn is frozen it’s best for the plant if it doesn’t get a lot of foot traffic as the leaf is extremely brittle. Walking will snap or break the grass blades - however it will handle it - especially those trips down to the golf net. Needless to say, definitely don’t be getting the lawn mower out.

5. Book your mower in for a winter service

Don’t wait till Spring to get your mower ready. Whilst the mower isn’t getting much action, now is a good time to get it booked in for a service. Blades sharpened and ready to put a good shift in next year. Getting the mower serviced when you’re needed it twice a week can be quite the pain.

Ready to be proud of your garden?

Ensure your lawn never goes hungry with our personalised feeding plan. Delivered through you letterbox exactly when you need it.

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