Different types of grasses and the ones you want in your lawn
What is the best grass seed for your lawn?
As different types of grass have different characteristics, the best choice of grass seed for your lawn is a blend of different grasses that complement each other well. For example, ryegrass is a great allrounder as it is resistant and aesthetically pleasing. With a more fine-leafed appearance, Fescues complement ryegrasses extremely well, providing body to the bottom of your lawn and a more ornamental look overall.
When choosing the best grass seed for your lawn, we recommend taking into consideration where you live, the type of climate, and the results you want to achieve.
What is the most common lawn grass?
Ryegrass is the most common type of lawn grass in the UK due to its ability to withstand wear and tear, and survive in colder, wetter climates. Ryegrass is also cheaper to produce, as around 60% of its seed germinates, which leaves us less worried about using too much. Fescue grasses are also common in the UK, but they are mainly found around homes in coastal areas or based in sandy loam soils. This is because Fescues struggle and are more susceptible to disease when left in water, which often happens in most in-land gardens.
How many types of lawn grass are there?
Many, is the short answer. Not only are there many species of grass, but each species has its on cultivas, or plant varieties, which stretches the number types of lawn grass into the thousands. But don't worry, we're not going to cover all of those here. Let’s have a look at the two most common types of grass in the UK, and a couple of species that you want to avoid.
The Best Types of Lawn Grass for the UK
A combination of Ryegrass and Fescue make up the majority of turf grown here in the UK, and subsequently, most of our garden lawns.
This proud staple of many UK lawns is strong, durable, and perfectly matched to our climate. There are a number of different types of rye, however, the majority are quite broad-leafed and usually dark-green in colour.
A more coastal, sand-based grass plant which likes free draining areas. There are a number of different common fescues but their make-up is fairly similar, characterised by a very fine sward. Fescue is great when combined with hardier grass like rye, as it gives lawns great body in the bottom.
Undesirable Types of Lawn Grass
Within the huge variety of grass types, there are also some species that are better to avoid in your lawn.
Poa Annua
Also known as meadow grass, is an incredibly ugly grass plant which can usually be spotted from a mile off. It is a lime green colour, very broad-leafed, and usually grows in big clumps. If you spot these in your lawn it's best to dig out the entire plant and get rid of it before it spreads.
Yorkshire fog
Another extremely broad-leafed, thick, and coarse plant that grows in clumps. Although its clumps are not as dense as the ones of poa annua, Yorkshire fog grass can look very stalky when left to grow. This is another plant you’ll want to remove from your lawn.
It's worth noting that since these are types of grasses, weeding products will not remove them. Products that kill these species will also kill the good grass that you are trying to preserve, so it is best to dig each plant out individually, making sure to remove the root.
If you're unsure of the type of grass in your lawn, please send a picture to team@soandmo.com and one of our experts can advise what's best.
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